November 2023

New energies once again take the focus in the last edition of 2023. We close out the year talking to First Light Fusion, the brilliant UK-based fusion energy business that is doing remarkable things to create energy from inertial confinement fusion (where tow or more nuclei combine to form a heavier one, releasing enormous amounts of energy. The company expects its pilot plant to be operational in the 2030s, on a UK site in Oxford, using a UK supply chain, but answering the global call for fresh solutions. COO Ryan Ramsey tells us more about the amazing science underway right now. 

Ethical Power, the renewable energy business that started out as a solar installer in the UK’s southwest, is close to its vision of becoming an IPP, working on projects of significant scale across energy generation and storage. CEO Tom Kneen tells Enterprise Africa that the industry is far from easy and expansion takes significant effort and collaboration. His current task is building the international business while ensuring quality throughout. 

In the Baltics, a joint project between Latvia and Estonia is coming together. The countries are hopeful of building a 1GW offshore wind park, ELWIND, in the Baltic Sea to generate local power and local skills, with the potential for export, while providing affordable and secure energy to build economies. Laura Štrovalde, Deputy Director General at the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA), is working hard to bring international cooperation and funding to the project, set for development over the next decade.

The cover story comes from Southern Cross Britannia and CEO Christian Möbius who has built a business that now owns significant licences for mining of precious minerals in Argentina. Lithium, copper, and other metals essential in the energy transition are found here in abundance and the team is using all of its expertise to secure the best spots as it grows its reputation.

Much investment and knowledge is being ploughed into renewable energy and fresh innovation, and this looks set to continue for the foreseeable. We want to hear from your company to understand what you’re doing to advance the energy mix in your area. Get in touch online – we’re on LinkedIn.

Some of this month’s supporters:

Southern Cross Britannia
Ansaldo Nuclear
Helical Pile Solutions

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